Monday, April 6, 2009


what could possibly be so interesting about window winders???


this is what the stock 1940 ford (ONLY) woodie wagon window winder looks like (is winder a real word?)

see that fancy steel plate..

that plate holds the regulator to the door.. and serves as a method to trim off the inside of hte door.. these two pieces are relatively valuable.. due to their rarity.. each wagon needs 2. and these are only for 1940 ford..

that was a problem.. the above were offered to me for 200.00

I passed..

and I decided to search eBay

Where I found that WINDOW regulator's that looked VERY VERY SIMILAR..

so.. 50.00 later.. I had a pair.. that were.. NOS!

heres my install!

the latch "remotes" were salvaged from a pair of 37 ford doors I had bought..


1 comment:

Dan said...

I to am working on a 40 Ford Conv and enjoyed looking at your progress. You have come a long way. I like the way you used fenders for the inner fenders. I had to make about five inches around the wheel openings on the rear fenders. Someone had used the car for dirt racing and cut the fender openings. I'm looking for information on installing the windshield and also the top. Any direction you can point me in will be a help. Thank You